Parent workshops

Sole parent of a pre-teen

“Thank you for all the resilience and connection education you provide—it has truly changed how i parent, how i feel about myself, and how i recognize my own needs.”

Workshops for Parents + Professionals

✨ FREE webinars ✨

  • Unstick Power Struggles :: May 20th

    9AM Pacific (45 min) on Zoom

    Ditch power struggles and swim back from the brink of burnout. Plus, discover what's going on in kids' brains and bodies when they're overwhelmed—before behavior goes sideways!

    Register to join me live for Q+A, or get the replay.

Past Sessions Parents Loved

  • Flavors of Regulation

    4 different strategies for helping your child regulate through emotions and overwhelm.

    Get insights for building a stronger connection with your kids and helping anchor them (and you!) through stressful moments. So you can stop walking on eggshells and steady yourself first.

    • Non-verbal tools for more cooperation

    • Why the nervous system matters

    • 6 Sensory soothers for YOU

    • Re-routing off-track behavior

  • Better Boundaries

    An overstimulated kid needs help regulating.

    It's not their fault that off-track behavior zooms 0-60, before they (or you!) have a chance to “make a different choice” or “use your words.”

    We leaned into what to do with all that energy, how to hold boundaries when they're revving high, and managing your own mixed feelings!

    I’ve got you covered with tools for structure and your own regulation—because a flooded adult can’t anchor an off-track kid.

  • Playful Parenting for Anxiety

    We’re helping kids steer away from physical aggression, resistance, and worries by leaning into playful parenting.

    A playful approach to easing worries is not “permissive parenting”—it actually includes clearer expectations, more direct leadership, and routines that help reduce the energy spent on bargaining and frustration.

    We touched on the brain science of fear, the power of intentional transitions, and benefits of going for the laugh before the lesson.

  • Sweet Sleep: Better rest for sensitive systems

    Special Guest: sleep specialist and community herbalist, Quai of Sweet Sleep.

    We covered simple nervous system soothing methods and grocery store ingredients for a supportive daily routine, creating an environment that invites better rest—even in the midst of trauma or chronic stress reactions.

    We touched on anxiety and digestion, shared 5 herbs & 6 essential oils safe for use with children, including sensory supports and gentle structure as you map a path toward more restorative rest.

  • Limits + Cooperation Masterclass

    2.5 hour workshop with tools for setting loving limits and clear expectations. Designed specifically for parents of kids age 2-10.

    Steering with confidence and solid connection goes a long way to meeting your child’s immediate needs for regulation and emotional anchoring.

    When behavior is showing us they can’t follow directions or calm themselves, they’ve got to be able to borrow our steadiness. That’s where we’ll focus: How to keep your cool more often and support everyone’s needs with sturdy boundaries.

    This is how we re-route off-track behavior: with steady reminders that you’ve got their back.

  • Resetting The Rage Dynamic

    Special Guest: acupuncturist Carrie Crimin of Little Owl Medicine

    What do a kid who is maxed-out and a parent on the receiving end have in common?

    ⬆️ Heightened Emotions!
    🚨 Emergency Alert Response!
    💔 Feeling Disconnected!
    💥 Surges of Anger!

    These are tell-tale signs that you and your child are stuck in a Rage Dynamic.

    We’ll share tips for cooling the intensity and clues that can help you predict meltdowns.

  • Defusing Aggression

    For many parents, aggression and defiance are show-stoppers. Game over. Zero tolerance. That makes sense!

    When someone is being hurt, intimidated, or over-powered—we need to intervene.

    But sending a hurt/angry/defiant child to time-out, yelling, spanking, or trying to talk it out while they are escalated…adds fuel to the 🔥

    Intensity puts us in survival mode. No wonder we respond to BIG behavior with BIGGER behavior!…or shutting down completely.

    Learn 3 things you can do BEFORE the intensity ramps up. There are more effective paths to peace than shame & consequences.

  • The Big Bang 💥 Navigating off-track behaviors

    Special Guest: School-based play therapist Cheryl Seagren

    Since we can’t go around ‘em, and we can’t go under ‘em…we have to teach kids to stay connected to themselves through ALL the emotions that arise.

    We can’t get distracted by the content of the behaviors; we have to look at what’s driving them.

    We’ll talk about sensory overwhelm, defiance, and other biggies that get kids in trouble and have you on the edge of your seat.

    We’ll explore tools for regulation and connection you can practice at home, so things feel less stressful and more manageable.

When we don't heal our own wounds,
even with the best of intentions,
we hurt our own kids in the same ways we were hurt.

~ Tosha Schore of Parenting Boys Peacefully